Warum braucht es Arbeiterkammer (AK) und Gewerkschaft (ÖGB)?

Hier gibt´s die englischen Texte in drei Tonalitäten: sachlich-verständlich, in einfacher Sprache und witzig mit anschaulichen Beispielen: damit du für jede Zielgruppe und jeden Zweck den passenden Text griffbereit hast.

sprache: eng

Sachlich, verständlich

Why do we need the Chamber of Labour (AK) and the Austrian Trade Union Federation (ÖGB)?

Because together, they make an unbeatable team that stands up for workers

The Chamber of Labour (AK) has a wealth of knowledge and expertise. The AK analyses laws, carries out studies and much more besides. We also offer advice on labour law and consumer protection, we can review pension statements, rental contracts or care allowance classifications; if needs be, we can even represent our members in court.

The ÖGB helps to organise works councils, young workers councils and staff representatives, trains their members and supports them in their day-to-day work. So by working closely with employees, trade unions can gain insights into their everyday activities. The unions also negotiate collective agreements, helping to reach terms that deliver the best possible results for workers. AK studies help them to achieve this, giving them facts and figures to back up important demands. Where necessary, the ÖGB organises works meetings, as well as industrial action such as strikes.

This teamwork between the AK and ÖGB ensures effective employee representation at all levels.

Sachlich, in leichter Sprache

One team, two focuses. The Chamber of Labour (AK) has extensive knowledge. We look closely at what the law says, carry out studies, and give employees advice and support – for example, when they are sacked for no reason. If workers face serious problems – not being paid, for instance – we take legal action against the company and assist the affected employees.

The trade unions cooperate directly with works councils – in other words, they work very closely with employees. If necessary, they can also organise strikes. Year after year, they take action to ensure that employees receive better pay and working conditions. And this is exactly what happens in negotiations on collective agreements. The facts and figures in AK reports also provide vital support.

Witzig, mit anschaulichen Vergleichen, in DU

It’s just like football: one team, many different roles – one person plays in goal, some in midfield and others in defence. They work together to win the game. At the Chamber of Labour (AK), we check laws and give you advice if you have a problem at work. Trade unions work on the ground at companies. For example, in works councils and young workers councils. They look after the interests of all employees. And they negotiate with employers every year – including to secure better wages. Information from the AK helps the unions to do this. A strong team that works to protect your rights.

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17 Antworten zur AK und ihrer Wahl in englisch
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17 Antworten zur AK und ihrer Wahl in bks
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17 Antworten zur AK und ihrer Wahl in ungarisch
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